Landscapes of Injustice: Re Persons of Japanese Race

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On February 20, 1946, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld three Orders in Council authorizing the mass exile of Japanese Canadians in the Re Persons of the Japanese Race decision. This year marks the 75th anniversary of that judgment and of the subsequent decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to uphold the SCC decision on appeal. Dr. Jordan Stanger-Ross (Professor of History, University of Victoria) will cover the historical background and policy origins while Dr. Eric M. Adams will speak about the decision itself. Drs. Adams and Stanger-Ross collaborate on the major research undertaking that is collected and published online as the Landscapes of Injustice Project. ( and are working together on a book on the Japanese Canadian exile.
SCC decision:
Re Persons of Japanese Race, [1946] S.C.R. 248
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council decision:
The Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians and another v The Attorney-General of Canada and another, [1947] A.C. 87 and
Summary of decisions:
Eric M. Adams
Eric M. Adams is Vice Dean and Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Alberta. The recipient of several awards for his research and teaching, Eric publishes widely in the fields of constitutional law, legal history, legal education, employment law, and human rights. He provides occasional legal advice on constitutional matters and frequent media commentary on a variety of legal topics.
Detailed biography of Dr. Adams:
Jordan Stanger-Ross
Jordan Stanger-Ross is a Provost’s Engaged Scholar in history at the University of Victoria and Project Director of Landscapes of Injustice. He has published widely on the history of Japanese Canadians in the 1940s, including Landscapes of Injustice: A New Perspective on the Internment and Dispossession of Japanese Canadians.
Detailed biography of
Dr. Stanger-Ross:
Judge Maryka Omatsu will offer introductory remarks for the two speakers.
Maryka Omatsu is the first East Asian woman to be appointed a judge in Canada. Prior to this appointment, she practiced criminal and administrative law for 16 years in Toronto.
Detailed biography of Judge Maryka Omatsu:
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