Spotlight Series

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  • 3 Feb 2025 12:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February Spotlight: Dimple Kainth

    1. What is your name? 

    Dimple Kainth

    2. Current place of work/title?

    Satya Law, CEO and Lawyer, Sayva Consulting, CEO

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I am fortunate to know a number of FACL BC members, and was asked to speak at a conference about EDI and EDI issues.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    Mentorship is extremely important to me, so my favourite FACL initiative is FACL's mentorship program. My favourite FACL event is the Annual Gala.

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    In terms of my professional life: to trust my ability and instincts, that no one will advocate better for me than myself, and to get out of a bad/toxic working environment as soon as possible.

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I know way too much when it comes to the topic of Star Wars!

  • 6 Jan 2025 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January Spotlight: Connie Do

    1. What is your name? 

    Connie Do

    2. Current place of work/title?

    Associate at Guild Yule LLP

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I first joined in 2018 in my first year of law school. It's kind of a blur but I *think* I signed up on Clubs Day.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    I've always enjoyed the Annual Gala. They have been great for catching up with friends and colleagues I wouldn't see otherwise. The energy and excitement is infectious. I graduated during the pandemic so it was really exciting to attend the Gala in person again in 2022 and see people I hadn't seen in years. Shout out to the organizers!

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    Be kind to yourself and trust the process. Roll with the punches and let every mistake or disappointment be a valuable learning opportunity.

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I can't ride a bike, swim or skate. I probably won't last long in a zombie apocalypse.

  • 2 Dec 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December Spotlight: Angie Sung

    1. What is your name? 

    Angie Sung

    2. Current place of work/title?

    PortaLaw, Lawyer

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    A friend from law school invited me to a FACL Mentorship Roundtable event. I joined the board as a student director soon after.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    So hard to choose, because every FACL event has been a great time! But being a part of the producing team of the "But I look like a Lawyer" documentary has been one of the most meaningful projects I've been a part of in my legal career so far. I am also a big fan of the FACL mentorship program, and am still closely connected with my amazing mentor whom I met in 1L. I hope to join as a mentor in the upcoming years. 

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    Do your own thing. There is no need to feel like you have to follow the traditional path, or copy what everyone else is doing to "fit the mold". Your authenticity is your power, and key to a happy and fulfilling career. 

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I downloaded TikTok during the pandemic (because I was bored in the house), and became internet famous by accident.

  • 4 Nov 2024 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November Spotlight: Isabelle Guevara

    1. What is your name? 

    Isabelle Guevara

    2. Current place of work/title?

    McMillan LLP, Associate

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I went to law school at Queens and I wasn't very familiar with FACL BC. When I moved back to Vancouver, I wanted to be involved in an organization that represented Asian Canadian lawyers and I knew of a few friends and colleagues who were involved with FACL. Shortly after moving back, I signed up to be a mentor and have since attended the gala and other FACL events.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    I really enjoyed last year's gala. Not only was it an incredibly well-organized event, but it was very special to be surrounded by so many successful individuals who have similar cultural backgrounds to me. I bumped into lawyers I knew from previous jobs, or who knew my parents, and it was great to catch up with them. It felt a lot like one of my Filipino family reunions!

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    Always take the time to celebrate your victories, no matter how big or small.

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    When I was younger, my cousins and I would pretend we were in a girl band and perform in front of our relatives. They would give us money at the end of the "show" and the most I ever got in one night was 100 pesos (around $2.37). So if I didn't go into law, maybe I could've been a pop star.

  • 7 Oct 2024 2:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October Spotlight: Nyusha Samiei 

    1. What is your name? 

    Nyusha Samiei

    2. Current place of work/title?

    Lawyer at Jiwa Law

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I first got involved with FACL during my articling year, thanks to a recommendation from a coworker. It had been some time since I participated in extracurricular activities, as I had taken a step back after law school. Given my passion for volunteering and community involvement, I was eager to connect with others in a similar environment. Joining FACL provided me with an invaluable opportunity to meet fellow lawyers in the city, and I benefited from the mentorship groups, which offered both guidance and meaningful connections.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    Definitely the Gala!

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    If I could go back in time, I'd remind myself that confidence comes from action, not perfection. I would tell my past self to trust my instincts and not let the fear of making the wrong choice paralyze me. Learning to value my own perspective has been one of the most important lessons in my journey. I've realized that being a good lawyer means being decisive even in the face of uncertainty and trusting my voice, because all experiences, even the mistakes, are part of growth.

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I recently fell in love with rowing and just joined a rowing team.

  • 3 Sep 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September Spotlight: Nerissa Yan

    1. What is your name? 

    Nerissa Yan

    2. Current place of work/title?

    Yan Muirhead LLP / Partner

    3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    My first involvement with FACL started with FACL Ontario when I was a law student at the University of Ottawa. I joined many FACL Ontario events in Toronto back then. During my last year of law school, I attended UBC Allard Law as a Letter of Permission student. My positive experience at FACL Ontario led me to being involved with FACL BC.

    4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    I have been very fond of the FACL Mentor/Mentee Program. I was a FACL Mentor for a number of years and was paired with articled students and NCA students, who are now colleagues and friends. I have been going to the FACL annual gala for many years and each year became my favourite FACL gala. I look forward to the upcoming annual gala in November.

    5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    I would tell myself the Chinese expression, 船到桥头自然直. The English version of it is, you will cross the bridge when you get to it. There are many unknowns and anxiety-causing moments when stepping into this profession. It's all going to work out eventually.

    6. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I have two young children and they keep me busy outside of work.

  • 6 Aug 2024 1:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    August Spotlight: Doug Chiu

    1. Current place of work/title?

    Hammerco Lawyers LLP/ Partner.

    2. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    Our firm attended a FACL gala and then I signed up to be a mentor in the mentorship program.

    3. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    The inaugural FACL Retreat. It was simultaneously rewarding, inspiring and educational. So nice to spend a weekend where I got to hang out with current FACL friends and make new ones.

    4. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    Your career is far from a linear trajectory. There will be substantial hurdles along the way but you will have invaluable support from those around you.

    5. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I love sneakers and I have over a dozen in my collection. And yes, I do wear them frequently.

  • 2 Jul 2024 11:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July Spotlight: Raji Mangat

    What is your name? 

    Raji Mangat

    Current place of work/title?

    Executive Director, West Coast LEAF

    How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I attended one of FACL BC's social events with a friend, and was immediately struck by how welcoming everyone was and how much I felt at "home" at the event, despite knowing only a handful of the people there. From there, my involvement has grown and I'm now serving as a member of the FACL BC Advisory.

    What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    FACL BC's galas are epic, for sure. I think my favourite event so far is the last one I attended - the inaugural retreat held in Whistler. It was an incredibly intimate and welcoming space in which we could share our concerns and challenges. I learned a lot and had a few of those "where have you been all my life" moments with other attendees and speakers.

    What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    I would advise myself to worry less, sleep more and trust my gut. And also that you will find your people.

    What is something that not many people know about you?

    I officiated my friend's wedding in Portland, Oregon as a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. And yes, the marriage was legally valid, and still going strong.

  • 3 Jun 2024 2:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June Spotlight: Cynthia Lam

    1. Current place of work/title?

    GBC Law, Owner

    2. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    I first got involved with FACL when I moved to BC from Ontario in 2015. I didn't know many people here and wanted to join a community that would allow me to network and make friends at the same time.

    3. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    The "But I Look Like a Lawyer" initiative. I love things that are relatable and this one was spot on!

    4. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    There are no mistakes or failures in life. Every experience is a lesson and things always work out in the end.

    5. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I am fascinated by astronomy and ancient civilizations. 

  • 6 May 2024 11:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May Spotlight: Chilwin Chienhan Cheng

    1. Current place of work/title?

    Ascendion Law

    2. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?

    Serene Chow asked me to participate as a speaker and mentor at a FACL conference. My involvement with FACL-BC ramped up significantly when Fiona Wong asked me to co-produce and host a mini-series on the FACL-BC podcast featuring prominent Asian litigators. 

    3. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?

    The FACL-BC podcast as a host and as a guest, and the 2024 gala dinner. It was so much fun meeting so many trailblazers and people I admire in the profession.

    4. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?

    The advice that senior lawyers are trying to tell you: that courtesy, civility, candour, honour, and professionalism really do matter the most in the long run - is true. After over twenty-five years of practice, it's become apparent to me that my reputation is the only asset that I have. When I was younger, it felt like my best assets were my smarts, knowledge of the law, and my work ethic.  But now, I've realized that my ability to pick up the phone and talk to other counsel to work something out, to talk out a problem, or learn something new, has proven to be my most valuable asset. Building collegial relationships takes time, patience, humility, and consistently treating everyone as I wish to be treated.

    5. What is something that not many people know about you?

    I am a registered athlete with Boxing BC and actively train to fight in matches. I have five sanctioned fights under my belt and several sanctioned and unsanctioned exhibition matches. Oh, and I love dogs, miniature schnauzers especially.

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