November Spotlight: Isabelle Guevara
1. What is your name?
Isabelle Guevara
2. Current place of work/title?
McMillan LLP, Associate
3. How did you first get involved with FACL BC?
I went to law school at Queens and I wasn't very familiar with FACL BC. When I moved back to Vancouver, I wanted to be involved in an organization that represented Asian Canadian lawyers and I knew of a few friends and colleagues who were involved with FACL. Shortly after moving back, I signed up to be a mentor and have since attended the gala and other FACL events.
4. What has been your favourite FACL event or initiative so far?
I really enjoyed last year's gala. Not only was it an incredibly well-organized event, but it was very special to be surrounded by so many successful individuals who have similar cultural backgrounds to me. I bumped into lawyers I knew from previous jobs, or who knew my parents, and it was great to catch up with them. It felt a lot like one of my Filipino family reunions!
5. What advice would you give yourself if you were to go back in time?
Always take the time to celebrate your victories, no matter how big or small.
6. What is something that not many people know about you?
When I was younger, my cousins and I would pretend we were in a girl band and perform in front of our relatives. They would give us money at the end of the "show" and the most I ever got in one night was 100 pesos (around $2.37). So if I didn't go into law, maybe I could've been a pop star.