FACL BC is a pan-Asian organization celebrating the diversity of our Asian communities – we explicitly encourage South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, West Asian and other Asian-Canadian legal professionals to join us.
For those who do not self-identify as Asian Canadian but support our cause, we invite you to join us as a Supporting Member.
Our growing membership is a testament to the diversity of the legal profession. We hope that lawyers and law students from across the country will join our increasing numbers.
FACL BC's annual membership entitles you to the following benefits:
Membership Levels
Effective April 1, 2024, our Full Membership and Supporting Membership pricing has increased from $50 to $80 per year. Articling students, NCA candidates, and judicial clerks to certain courts can select the prorated membership option at checkout. If you have any questions or issues regarding the prorated membership option, please contact info@faclbc.ca
Please see the full announcement here for more details.
FULL MEMBERSHIP - $80 / year
A person who self-identifies as Asian-Canadian and who is:
A person who is enrolled in the study of law (J.D., LL B., LL. L., LL.M., LL.D. or equivalent) at a Canadian school; or a person studying at a foreign law faculty, as determined by the Board. Please note that NCA candidates are eligible for Full Membership.
A person who supports the objectives of FACL BC but does not qualify as Full or Student Members. Note: Supporting Members do not have voting rights and cannot run for a position on the FACL BC Board.
How to Become a Member
To register to become a member, please select one of the membership levels below and proceed to fill out the registration form.
For payment options, we accept online payment via PayPal or cheques sent to our mailing address.
If you are paying by cheque, please make your cheque payable to "Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society" and send it to Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) BC, PO Box 18551 West Georgia RPO, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 0B3 with your name on the cheque.
If your firm would like us to send one invoice to activate or renew multiple memberships, please contact info@faclbc.ca with subject line "Attn: Treasurer - Bulk Membership Renewal Invoice". Please indicate in the email the name(s) of the firm member(s), type of membership(s) to be activated, and mailing and email address that the invoice should be addressed to.