Can You Hear Me Now? Embracing "Virtual Law"
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It's 2021 and "virtual law" has become the new normal. Join us on January 20, 2021 at 12:00pm and participate in one of three workshops being hosted, focused on improving your online presence. Whether you are a student preparing for OCIs, looking to improve your executive presentation with clients or navigate litigating in a virtual world, we have something for you! Further event and registration details are below.
Please note, all workshops are eligible for 1.5 CPD credits:
Workshop 1 - Interview Prep: A career coach will lead a session geared towards helping lawyers and law students land work during a pandemic (including how to use technology effectively when networking/interviewing, tips on interview preparation and tapping into the hidden job market!).
Speaker: Paula Price (Uplevel Lawyer Coaching)
Workshop 2 - Executive Communication: Engaging Stakeholders in Corporate Settings: Are you looking to improve your presentation skills in the workplace, especially when presenting to clients? Effective communication is absolutely essential in our industry. In this webinar, our speakers will offer practical tips and insights on how you can deliver impactful presentations and make a lasting impression on your audience.
Speakers: Julia Lin (Julia Lin Law), Daniel Wong (WeirFoulds LLP), May Au (Motorola Solutions)
Workshop 3 - Navigating Virtual Discoveries, Mediations and Hearings: Tips, tricks and lessons for navigating discoveries, mediations and chambers in a virtual world (including things juniors can do to impress their lead counsel!).
Speakers: Kevin D. Loo (Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP), Jim Wu (Forte Law)
The event will start with a brief introduction before launching into separate workshops. You will have the option of self-selecting one workshop to attend when breakout sessions have launched. Please register for the event here and indicate the workshop you intend to join.
For more information about FACL BC or how to get involved, check out or email us at
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