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In accordance with the Bylaws of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (“FACL BC”), notice is hereby given to all Members of FACL BC that a General Meeting of the Members ("AGM") will be held as follows:
Location: Zoom
Date: Thursday, July 29, 2021
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
This AGM is open to all current FACL BC members. Please register for the AGM by July 28, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. to receive the Zoom link. Voting will be conducted with the Zoom polling feature for those in virtual attendance.
If you are not a current FACL BC member or have yet to register for the 2021-2022 year, you can join/renew through our website.
The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:
5:00 – President – Meeting called to order and approval of previous meeting minutes
5:05-5:20 – Treasurer/Secretary remarks – financial statements and membership details
5:20-5:30 – Outgoing President’s remarks
5:30-5:40 – Incoming President’s remarks
5:40-5:50 – Incoming VPs’ remarks
5:55-6:00 – Acknowledgement of departing and remaining board members
6:00-6:25 – Election and appointment of new board members
6:25-6:30 – Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Voting by proxy: If you are unable to attend the AGM, and would like to vote via proxy, please send in your proxy via Google Forms (including the names of the candidates you wish to vote for) by July 28, 2021 at 5pm. The proxy form can be found at this link. Note: to be eligible to vote by proxy, please make sure to have registered for the 2021/2022 membership through our website.
For this upcoming 2021-2022 FACL BC year, the following individuals have been appointed by the Board as the Executives:
Hasan Alam, BCGEU (President)
Afifa Hashimi, Moore Edgar Lyster (Vice-President External)
Alex Chang, Lesperance Mendes Lawyers (Vice-President Internal)
Steven Ngo, Visier Inc. (Vice-President Marketing)
Kayla Siu, Lawson Lundell LLP (Treasurer)
Abigail Cheung, Harris & Company (Advisory Director/Past-President)
In addition to the Executives, the following members will also remain on the Board:
The following positions on the Board shall be voted upon at the AGM:
1 Secretary (one year commitment)
4 Directors at Large (two year commitment)
1 Director at Large (one year commitment)
3 Student Directors (one year commitment)
1 Area Representative - Victoria (one year commitment)
The Board Member nomination process is now closed. The list of candidates and their nomination statements can be found here.
The proxy form and nomination statements were revised on July 23, 2021, to reflect the withdrawal of a candidate for the position of Student Director at UVic. If you submitted a proxy form before this revision, your submission remains valid.
All board members are expected to attend monthly board meetings (in-person & teleconference) and contribute actively to the planning and execution of FACL BC programming and initiatives.
FACL BC’s leadership team offers an excellent avenue for junior and experienced lawyers and law students alike to contribute to the community, establish rich and diverse new contacts, and build upon leadership skills. We are a pan-Asian organization celebrating the diversity of our Asian communities – we explicitly encourage South Asian, East Asian, West Asian, Southeast Asian, and other Asian-Canadian legal professionals to participate in FACL BC.
If you have any questions regarding your membership status, please email us at membership@faclbc.ca.

FACL BC gratefully acknowledges the generous support of McCarthy Tétrault as its Preferred Partner in Diversity.
Copyright © 2021 FACL BC, All rights reserved.
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