According to the Law Society of British Columbia’s statistics, as of 2019, only 16.15% of the province’s legal profession self-identify as visible minorities, persons of colour, or racialized. Of that percentage, an even fewer number make it to the partnership level across major law firms, and to date, there appears to be no known studies in Canada that analyze these findings.
Sponsored by Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, the Partners’ Reception will be the first of its kind in British Columbia to offer partners of Asian descent (and allies) the opportunity to network and build professional relationships with each other. Open exclusively to 80 partners or shareholders from firms of different sizes, the purpose of the reception is to generate client referrals between law firms at the partnership level, foster professional relationships within the partnership peer group, and alternatively, identify potential future mentors for our FACL BC membership.
This event is by invite only, and registration is complimentary. The Partners' Reception is reserved exclusively for current partners, shareholders, and managing partners at any law firm, or those promoted to these positions as of January 2024. Space is limited to 80 people so we invite you to RSVP early. If you are interested in attending, are a partner, shareholder, or managing partner, and have not received an invite, please contact membership@faclbc.ca.
Please join us for an evening with complimentary canapes, cheese and charcuterie, and wine at Hawksworth Restaurant (801 W Georgia St) in the York Room from 5 pm to late.
By attending this event, you agree to abide by the FACL BC Event Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please email info@faclbc.ca.