Are you currently in, or considering, the NCA process for internationally trained lawyers looking to requalify in Canada? Do you have immigration or employment-related questions pertaining to building a legal career in British Columbia? Don’t miss our upcoming panel dedicated to addressing these questions. We are thrilled to have Daniel Lee (Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP), Amandeep S. Hayer (Hayer Law), and Jennifer Lau (Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP) join us on this panel with their expertise on the subject. Jennifer will provide an employer’s perspective with respect to employment issues for NCA and LLMCL candidates, while Daniel and Amandeep will draw from their daily immigration law practice and share immigration considerations that individuals who are considering the NCA accreditation process should be mindful of as they consider working in the legal profession in British Columbia.
In the event registration form, please feel free to tell us what you would like us to address during the panel. While our panelists will provide invaluable information as they speak from their experience, they will not provide legal advice, and participants are encouraged to seek independent legal advice with respect to any specific immigration or employment law questions that they have.
* Please note that the survey form which accompanies your registration for this event will be deleted permanently after this event. The information collected from the survey will only be shared with our event panelists on an anonymous basis. *
This event is eligible for 1.5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits.
Meet our Panelists
Daniel Lee practices immigration law at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP. He advises and represents clients in numerous areas related to immigration that involve work permits, such as corporate immigration law, employer immigration compliance and global mobility for employees. Daniel has extensive experience in providing immigration services to Canadian and foreign-based companies in a wide range of industry sectors. He works closely with employers in developing workplace policies to ensure their workplaces are in compliance with Canadian immigration laws and policies. Daniel is also the Immigration Supervisor Lawyer at LSLAP.
Amandeep Hayer is an active member of the legal community and currently serves as an executive member of the British Columbia Bar Association’s Immigration Law Section. Amandeep is currently a solo practitioner practicing in Langley, British Columbia (Hayer Law). He practices exclusively in Canadian Immigration and Citizenship Law. Amandeep's work includes a mix of complex Canadian citizenship claims, international students, assisting US clients in overcoming criminal inadmissibility, permanent residence applications through the economic class and the family class streams, and federal court litigation.
Jennifer Lau (BA’03, LLB’08) is the Director of Professional Resources (Vancouver) at Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, where she is responsible for the recruitment and management of the law firm’s Vancouver summer and articling students and associates. Before Cassels, she spent 11 years at UBC’s Peter A. Allard School of Law, where she was a career coach to law students and lawyers, including NCA candidates. She led Allard’s Career Services Office in shifting to a strengths-based approach. In 2020, she was Allard’s Acting Assistant Dean of Students, where she led student academic support during the pandemic transition to online learning. She previously practiced as a lawyer and is a former president of FACL BC. Jennifer also recently moderated our annual NCA/LLM Q&A Panel on February 21, 2024, in conjunction with the South Asian Bar Association of BC.
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