The FACL BC In-House Committee is pleased to announce a panel event, showcasing some of the bright legal talent behind the popular fashion brands, Aritzia, lululemon and Mountain Equipment Company (MEC)! On our panel will be Jaclyn Leong, Senior Director of Legal at Aritzia, May Au, Senior Legal Counsel at lululemon and Christie Campbell, Senior Counsel at MEC. We have previously had the pleasure of featuring May and Jaclyn on our FACL BC podcast. Tune into their episode on Spotify or Apple Music.
Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at the unique in-house world of these local retail companies, and for an engaging discussion from our panelists about the career paths that brought them to their current positions. Open to both in-house lawyers and private practitioners, this event will be an excellent opportunity for mutual learning and networking between these two groups.
- Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
- Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
- Location: McCarthy Tetrault (745 Thurlow St, Suite 2400) & Zoom
This will be a hybrid in-person/Zoom event. To attend virtually, please register here.
The discussion will be led in person by Jenny Lee. We encourage you to join us in person for the opportunity to meet Jaclyn, May and Christie and to get to know other FACL members.
5:30PM - Doors Open/Reception
6:00PM - Opening Remarks / Moderated Discussion with Jaclyn, May and Christie
7:00PM - Closing Remarks and Post-Event Social
Special thanks to McCarthy Tetrault for their support and sponsorship of this event.
Meet our Speakers
Jaclyn Leong leads the employment law team at Aritzia, supporting all workplace and immigration matters across Canada, the USA, and abroad. This includes compliance, risk mitigation, contracts, policies, privacy, investigations, and class actions. Jaclyn is a trusted team leader and advisor who builds strong partnerships, develops scalable infrastructure, and executes on corporate objectives, combining cogent legal analysis with practical business solutions.
May Au is a corporate commercial lawyer with expertise in intellectual property, marketing, and consumer protection. At lululemon, May supports lululemon’s Innovation and Brand teams with ushering in initiatives that furthers lululemon’s sustainability objectives, and then with sharing such stories with lululemon’s guests in a compelling way while standing in integrity. Prior to lululemon, May practiced at large regional and international firms, and also at another Fortune 500 company.
Christie Campbell is a corporate lawyer with broad commercial experience, including in contracts, privacy, marketing, governance, and policy development. At MEC, she also leads the sustainability team, with a focus on environmental and social impact. Before her work at MEC, Christie practiced litigation at two national law firms.
Please note that this is a complementary event. Please update your RSVP if your plans change as a courtesy to our sponsor. Failure to do so without explanation, or repeated no-shows at free FACL BC events, may affect your attendance status and future registrations at events where catering is arranged.
By attending this event, you agree to abide by the FACL BC Event Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions about the Code of Conduct, please email info@faclbc.ca.