FACL BC: Notice of Annual General Meeting and Call for Nominations

2 Jun 2022 7:21 PM | Anonymous

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In accordance with the Bylaws of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (“FACL BC”), notice is hereby given to all Members of FACL BC that a General Meeting of the Members ("AGM") will be held as follows:

  • Location: Zoom 

  • Date: Thursday, July 14, 2022

  • Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

This AGM is open to all current FACL BC members. Please register for the AGM by July 12, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. to receive the Zoom link. Voting will be conducted with the Zoom polling feature for those in virtual attendance. 

If you are not a current FACL BC member or have yet to register for the 2022-2023 year, you can join/renew through our website.

The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:

  • 5:00-5:05 – Members join the meeting
  • 5:05 – President – Call for meeting to order and approval of agenda and previous meeting minutes

  • 5:05-5:10 – Treasurer/Secretary remarks 

  • 5:10-5:25 – Outgoing President’s remarks and Incoming President’s remarks

  • 5:25-5:35 – Incoming VPs’ remarks

  • 5:35-5:40 – Acknowledgement of departing and remaining board members

  • 5:40-6:20 – Election and appointment of new board members

  • 6:20-6:30 – Presentation of "Next 10 Years" Student Scholarship, Closing Remarks and Adjournment

    Call for Nominations: If you are interested in joining FACL BC’s Board of Directors (the “FACL BC Board”), please submit your nomination statement to info@faclbc.ca by 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2022. Your nomination statement should include a short summary of who you are, why you are interested in our organization, the extent of your previous involvement with FACL BC (if any), and the position you seek to run for (maximum of 300 words). Please use the subject line “AGM Nomination”. These nomination statements will be sent to all FACL BC members. You may submit a nomination statement for no more than one position described below. 

    The following positions are available: 

    Directors-at-Large (Two Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has four Directors-at-Large positions available. These positions are open to FACL BC’s full members. Members on the FACL BC Board are expected to assume active high-level and on-the-ground leadership for our various initiatives, including in leading FACL BC committees. 

    Director-at-Large (One Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has two Director-at-Large position available. This position is open to FACL BC’s full members. Members on the FACL BC Board are expected to assume active high-level and on-the-ground leadership for our various initiatives, including in leading FACL BC committees. 

    Secretary (One Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has one Secretary position available. This position is open to FACL BC’s full members. The Secretary is an integral part of the FACL BC Board and responsible for, among others: 

    • overseeing the issuance of notices of FACL BC General Meetings and Board meetings;

    • taking minutes of FACL BC General Meetings and Board meetings;

    • maintaining the records of the FACL BC Society in accordance with the Societies Act;

    • assisting in conducting the correspondence of the FACL BC Board; and

    • overseeing the filing of the annual report of the FACL BC and making any other filings with the registrar under the Societies Act

    Area Representatives (One Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has one Area Representative position for each of Kamloops and Victoria available. Area Representatives are key liaisons between FACL BC and their respective region’s legal community and represent/promote FACL BC in their respective regions. These positions are open to FACL BC’s full members in Kamloops or Victoria. 

    Student Directors (One Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has one Student Director position for each of BC’s law schools (UBC, TRU, and UVic) available. Student Directors are key liaisons between FACL BC and their respective law school and represent/promote FACL BC at their respective law school. These positions are open to FACL BC’s student members who are current JD or graduate law students at UBC, TRU, or UVic. For more information on the Student Director position, please click here.

    All FACL BC Board members are expected to attend monthly Board meetings, participate in FACL BC committees (Membership, Advocacy, or Mentorship), and contribute actively to the planning and execution of FACL BC programming and initiatives.

    For more information on the FACL BC Board, please see the recording of our info session here and/or contact us at info@faclbc.ca.

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