FACL BC’s “Next 10 Years” Student Scholarship

20 Jun 2022 1:13 PM | Anonymous

FACL BC’s “Next 10 Years” Student Scholarship

Deadline: Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).   

Amount: $1000

FACL BC Student Scholarships recognize current law students enrolled in a law school in British Columbia who demonstrate a keen interest in and willingness to contribute to the British Columbian pan-Asian Canadian legal community. This year has been special as it marks FACL BC’s 10th anniversary. Consideration will be given to applicants’ leadership and community involvement, and financial need.


  • Self-identify as of pan-Asian descent (South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, Central/West Asian)
  • Demonstrated past, current and/or future involvement in promoting equity, justice and opportunity for pan-Asian Canadian legal professions and/or the wider community in British Columbia
  • Enrolled in a law school in British Columbia
  • FACL BC member (membership is FREE for students - sign up here)
  • Available to attend the scholarship presentation on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM over Zoom (Pacific Time): https://faclbc.ca/event-4839877

Note: Past scholarship recipients and FACL BC student directors and contractors (both current and former) are not eligible to apply.

To apply, please fill out the Google Form here and send a copy of your resume to info@faclbc.ca

Selection process:

  • Each application that meets the requirements set out above will be reviewed by current FACL BC Executive Board Members
  • FACL BC exercises sole and absolute discretion to determine scholarship eligibility and recipients
  • FACL BC’s decisions are final and application materials will not be returned
  • Recipient will be notified of FACL BC’s decision by July 10, and the scholarship will be presented at FACL BC's AGM on Thursday, July 14 (registration is complimentary) 


Thank you to our sponsors that made FACL BC’s “Next 10 Years” Scholarship Fund possible:

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