FACL BC Position Paper on the Proposed Legal Professionals Regulatory Modernization

24 Nov 2022 6:42 PM | Anonymous

November 24, 2022

FACL BC is pleased to publish its Position Paper on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Proposed Legal Professionals Regulatory Modernization. Following engagement with various stakeholders, FACL BC presented its Position Paper to the Ministry of the Attorney General as part of its early consultation and engagement process.

FACL BC supports in principle many of the proposals in the Intentions Paper, such as providing the regulator with a clear mandate and designing a more flexible licensing framework for paralegals. However, FACL BC has serious concerns that some proposals which purport to modernize the current regulatory framework to better serve the public interest may inadequately address this goal and may even have the potential to adversely impact the ability of the legal profession to foster diversity, maintain its independence, and provide access to justice for all British Columbians. 

FACL BC takes the position that, while the underlying goals of the proposed legal professionals regulatory modernization are laudable, the Ministry’s Intentions Paper lacks the specificity and detail to determine whether many of the proposed reforms will actually positively contribute to access to justice and the public interest. 

FACL BC is especially concerned about the proposed reduction in the size of the proposed board of directors which will likely undermine and stifle recent improvements in representation by reducing the diversity of voices at the decision-making table. FACL BC looks forward to continuing to work with the Ministry to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the broader community on this important modernization.

Read FACL BC's full position paper here: FACL BC Position Paper on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Proposed Legal Professionals Regulatory Modernization.pdf

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