• 31 Oct 2023 3:47 PM | Anonymous

    An election is being held for Benchers of the Law Society of British Columbia in Vancouver County, Victoria County, Westminster County, District of Okanagan, Cariboo County, Prince Rupert County, and District of Kamloops for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2025. Voting will open on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, and close at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. More information about the election, including candidate biographies and election statements, can be found here

    Given that part of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society’s mandate is to promote equity and opportunity, we wrote to the Bencher candidates inviting them to respond and provide their positions on questions regarding equity and diversity. 

    Please find the statements we received here. 

    We sincerely thank all candidates who took the time to provide their statements. 

    The views expressed are those of the candidates and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of FACL BC.

  • 20 Oct 2023 10:35 AM | Anonymous

    In recent weeks, the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (“FACL BC”) has witnessed a troubling surge of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian sentiment, and an alarming increase in hate and violence across Canada and in British Columbia. 

    FACL BC strongly condemns the rise in discrimination and hostility within British Columbia and Canada. FACL BC denounces all forms of prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism are unacceptable in any form. We note that individuals belonging to other ethnic, cultural, and religious groups may also be targeted or harmed, mistakenly or otherwise, for the same reasons, which is equally condemnable. FACL BC reiterates our commitment to fostering a more inclusive, equitable, and just society for the wider community.

    We acknowledge that this is a challenging time for many. FACL BC stands in unwavering solidarity with British Columbians, our members, and their communities who are impacted by these events and the resulting discrimination and hostility.

  • 12 Oct 2023 4:20 AM | Anonymous

    October 12, 2023

    Welcome home!

    It is a great privilege to serve as FACL BC’s President for the 2023 to 2024 year. Like many of you, I am an immigrant (from Hong Kong), a first-generation Canadian, a first-generation university graduate, and a first-generation lawyer.

    The diversity of our profession is slowly changing, but lots of work remains to be done. As we enter our 12thyear, I hope to focus my presidential term on advocating more, enhancing accessibility, and building more alliances for the Asian-Canadian legal community. Asian-Canadians were not permitted to practice law in BC until the late 1940’s. Only 100 years ago, the Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 was enacted with the objective of banning all immigration of Chinese peoples to Canada.

    I joined FACL BC as a Student Member. The first time I ran for a board position at the annual general meeting (AGM), I was extremely nervous as I had never participated in a contested election. I was not elected and thought I would never show my face at FACL BC again out of humiliation and embarrassment.

    But little did I know my journey at FACL BC actually began that day. The person who was elected for the role I ran for ended up becoming one of my closest friends in law. I went to my first FACL BC event following the AGM. Everyone – strangers – welcomed me with open arms because they all had the same intention of empowering other Asian-Canadian legal professionals, and “sending the elevator down” to junior lawyers. There was an incredible outpour of support from people I have never met, and this is still the case years later.

    Not everyone’s experience at FACL BC is the same, but I think we all can safely say that the energy at FACL BC – both at the board and member level – is unparalleled. We are an incorporated non-profit society that is entirely volunteer driven other than two part-time student contractors. You or your firm’s support of our initiatives and mandate of promoting equity, justice, and opportunity can make a significant difference in our legal profession.

    Because of FACL BC, I have been fortunate to meet and interact with very distinguished members of our bar, all of whom have carved the path for future generations of Asian-Canadians: from interviewing Justice Randall Wong, producing a documentary on discrimination and bias that screened at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival, learning from some of the few King’s Counsel of Asian descent in this province (including Winston Sayson, KC on our Advisory Committee, and Louisa Winn, KC, who recently graced the cover of The Advocate), to sharing a meal with BC’s Attorney General, the Honourable Niki Sharma, KC. FACL BC has also supported me professionally by connecting me to job interviews and client referrals through our incredible network of 700+ members. Most importantly, this professional network has become a community of lifelong friends and mentors - some of which have been recognized individually for the work they do for FACL BC, including through theCBABC Equality & Diversity Award as well as the Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada.

    These opportunities are, similarly, open to anyone who wishes to join FACL BC. I hope that you can benefit from the same through attending our exciting roster of events, or joining our future board, or one of our committees – advocacy, mentorship, membership, or gala.

    I invite you and your friends to join us at http://faclbc.ca/join. Allies are welcome, and we offer a Supporting Membership for those who do not fall under the Full and Student Membership categories.

    If you have any comments or feedback about FACL BC, please contact me anytime at president@faclbc.ca. Let’s get started!

    Fiona Wong

    President, Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC


  • 12 Oct 2023 4:12 AM | Anonymous

    October 12, 2023

    Please extend a warm welcome to our FACL BC 2023-2024 Board of Directors, who were appointed/elected at our Annual General Meeting on July 17, 2023. We look forward to reaching new heights with this amazing team in the upcoming term! 

    • President: Fiona Wong
    • VP External: Sebastian Chern
    • VP Internal: Jim Wu
    • VP Marketing: Jenny Huang
    • Treasurer: Daniel Szeto
    • Advisory Director: Steven Ngo
    • Directors-at-Large: Catherine Wong, Cen Yang, Charlene Tsai, David How, Jennine Punzalan, Sandy Lun, Shanna Gu, Zheng-Yi Ong
    • Secretary: Lily Zhang
    • Gala Chair: Paige Mueller
    • Area Director - Kamloops: Shazia Hosenbocus
    • Area Director - Victoria: Wen He 
    • Student Directors: Miguel Oreta (UBC), Jaspreet Kaur Mann (UVic), Sharon K. Malhi (TRU)

    We would also like to thank the following outgoing board members for their dedication and service to FACL BC during their respective terms: Mark Iyengar, Kayla Siu, Hasan Alam, Jessica Chung, Hardeep Chahal, Sarah Reid, Catherine Wong, Janice Jia Fujikawa, and Talia Gukert.

    Please keep an eye out for ways to get involved with our Advocacy, Membership, Mentorship, and/or Gala committees in the 2023-2024 year. We can't wait to see what's in store! 

  • 30 Sep 2023 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    On this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (“FACL BC”) affirms our commitment to reconciliation and our dedication to acting in solidarity with our Indigenous colleagues, clients, and community members.

    This day marks the third anniversary of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and notably is the first year that it is a statutory holiday in British Columbia. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is a day of reflection and remembrance. For some, September serves as a harrowing reminder of a time when Indigenous children were forcibly taken from their families and subjected to the atrocities of forced assimilation, genocide, and abuse.

    We encourage everyone to take the opportunity to learn more about Indigenous peoples across Canada and reflect on the actionable steps we can undertake to contribute to reconciliation actively. We recognize the importance of acknowledging our privilege and understanding the historical and present-day injustices that Indigenous communities endure. As settlers and legal professionals, we must use that privilege to address the systemic oppression faced by Indigenous communities.

    We encourage our members and communities to refer to the resources below to learn more about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

    Truth and Reconciliation Day Events in BC 

    Below are just a few of the Truth and Reconciliation Day events happening across BC.

    QTS Orange Shirt Day/Truth and Reconciliation Celebration

    • Date/Time: September 30, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
    • Location: Quesnel Friendship Centre, 319 North Fraser DriveQuesnel, BC

    An Indigenous-led day-long event created in 2013, this event is designed to educate Canadian people, to promote awareness about the Indian residential school system and the multigenerational impact it has had on Indigenous communities for over a century. The event is to honour the lost Children and the Survivors of residential schools, their families, and communities, to call for public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools.

    Reconciliation Powwow

    • Date/Time: September 30, ‘grand entry’ at 1:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. on 30th 
    • Location: Chilliwack Secondary School, 46363 Yale Rd EChilliwack, BC V2P 2P8

    A traditional style powwow held at Chilliwack Secondary. Although the powwow started Friday evening, there’s also a grand entry at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday. Everyone rises to their feet during the grand entry which is led by flag bearers and elders, followed by dancers. The event will feature drum groups, vendors, dancers, and various performances. The BC Metis Society will also host a free dinner on Saturday at 5 p.m.

    Qwalena: The Wild Woman Who Steals Children

    • Date/Time: September 30, at 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. (doors at 7:00 p.m.)  
    • Location: Tightrope Impro Theatre, 2343 Main StreetVancouver, BC

    Indigenous storyteller Dallas Yellowfly brings "Qwalena: The Wild Woman Who Steals Children'' to life in this unique and scary theatrical multimedia storytelling performance. 

    The purpose of this performance is to promote anti-racism, create awareness of the Indian Act, and the intergenerational impact of Indian Residential Schools, and strengthen communities through education.

    Tickets are “pay what you can”/by donation ($25 recommendation).

    Intergenerational March to commemorate Orange Shirt Day

    Date/Time:September 30, at 11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    Location: Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre Canada, 1985 Learners' WalkVancouver, BC V6T 1Z1             

    The march aims to be educational and supportive of the Indigenous community on campus and beyond. Educational activities will be held throughout the day to allow younger participants to connect with the original inhabitants of the land and plant a seed to continue these conversations about a difficult era in Canadian history at home. 

    Visit the link above for more information about the day’s agenda.

    Semiahmoo First Nation's 3rd Annual Walk for Truth & Reconciliation

    • Date/Time: September 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.     
    • Location: The walk begins in the parking lot adjacent to Grand Chief Bernard Robert Charles Plaza at 15393 Marine Drive, White Rock, BC V4B 1Y6 

    Join Semiahmoo First Nation for the 3rd annual Walk for Truth & Reconciliation beginning near Grand Chief Bernard Robert Charles Plaza and ending at Semiahmoo Park with programming and activities.

    National Day For Truth And Reconciliation with Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society

    • Date/Time: September 30, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
    • Location: Trout Lake Community Centre, Outdoors Gravel Field3360 Victoria Drive, Vancouver

     Nisga’a Ts’amiks Vancouver Society is honouring the lost children and survivors from the Indian Residential Schooling system with a National Day For Truth And Reconciliation event at John Hendry Park. Orange T-shirts will be sold on-site and there are also food vendors planned.

    South Island Powwow

    • Date/Time: September 30, from 10 a.m. to midnight. Grand entries at noon and 6 p.m.
    • Location: Royal Athletic Park, 1014 Caledonia AveVictoria, BC

    The annual South Island Powwow is an opportunity to recognize Survivors and their families in the spirit of reconciliation. Celebrate traditional Indigenous cultures and resiliency through song and dance.

  • 22 Sep 2023 1:47 PM | Anonymous

    The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (“FACL BC”) is aware that on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, organized anti-trans protests were held across Canada. These protests, which were met by counter-protests in support of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, are an escalation of the alarming rise in anti-trans rhetoric, violence, and legislation throughout the nation. FACL BC condemns the far-right and anti-trans views expressed at these protests and reiterates its commitment to stand in solidarity with Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities. FACL BC recognizes its intersectional members and affirms its mandate to promote justice, equity, and opportunity not only for Asian Canadian legal professionals, but also the wider community.

    In addition to the organized demonstrations, it is especially disturbing to see that political actors are also contributing to the spreading of hate, misinformation, and violence against the Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse communities. Some provinces have recently made changes to their school policies which prevent Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse youth from using their preferred pronouns and names at school without parental consent, regardless of whether they have safe and supportive homes. These policy changes are being promoted as upholding “parental rights”, which are not recognized by Canadian human rights law or the Charter, but will have the effect of outing 2SLGBTQ students and potentially exposing them to violence at home. These policies have been criticized by 2SLGBTQIA+ activists and civil rights groups as well as provincial child and youth advocates.

    Furthermore, the Conservative Party of Canada recently voted to approve a national policy to limit gender-affirming care for minors. While the outcome of legal and political action against such policies is uncertain, what is certain is that these policy changes will lead to harmful effects on Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse youth (who have five to seven times higher rates of thoughts of and suicide attempts, respectively) and their further marginalization. All youth have the constitutional right to safety and security, regardless of their gender identity, and this right is not subject to any “parental rights” (which are not constitutionally recognized). Schools must remain safe for all students, especially when their homes are not safe or where they are not comfortable being out to their parents, and these policies are a step in the wrong direction. Finally, according to recent Statistics Canada data, police reported hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation increased 64% from 2020 to 2021. There was also an increase in reported harassment, intimidation, threats of violence, misinformation, and hate-motivated protests throughout Canada, particularly affecting places where youth are such as schools and drag story times.

    British Columbia does not currently have a sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”) curriculum. However, throughout the kindergarten to grade 12 curriculum, students explore topics of human rights, including possible discussions of SOGI. Additionally, British Columbia schools are encouraged to leverage resources such as SOGI 123 to support educators in addressing such topics.  

    As we experience this concerning rise in anti-trans activity and rhetoric, it is more important than ever to use our voices and actions to support every Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse person’s rights to live openly, authentically, and proudly. FACL BC commits to creating a place of belonging for all our members and the wider 2SLGBTQIA+ community and to advocating on their behalf. FACL BC calls on the legal profession to stand up for the rights of Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people as it has done for so many others. FACL BC acknowledges and supports the rights of Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary, and gender diverse people to be treated with respect and dignity, to have access to appropriate medical care, and to be their true and authentic selves. It is only through diversity that we can achieve a just and fully engaged society.

  • 11 Sep 2023 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (“FACL BC”) extends its warmest congratulations to Scott Morishita as he starts his term as the president of the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch (“CBABC”).

    Notably, Scott is the fourth Asian CBABC president and the first person of Japanese descent to hold this position. Diversity in leadership positions like this fosters an understanding of a range of experiences and perspectives and allows organizations to produce better-informed policies and services. Scott is a proud member of the  2SLGBTQIA+ community.

    Scott has been a valued member and friend of FACL BC since 2019. A respected lawyer with experience in personal injury, insurance and municipal law, Scott brings a strong commitment to addressing issues of access to justice, mental health, and equality. 

    FACL BC also wishes to extend its heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to outgoing president, Aleem Bharmal, KC on a successful term. FACL BC deepened its relationship with the CBABC under Aleem’s leadership and thanks him for his support over the years. Aleem was the third person of Asian descent to hold this position. Previously, the second CBABC president of Asian descent was Margaret Mereigh, and the first was Jennifer Chow, KC, from 2015-2016.

    CBABC is a professional organization representing over 38,000 lawyers, judges and law students across Canada and has 7,800 members in British Columbia. CBABC members practice at the forefront of the justice system, providing services to British Columbians in every area of law.

    FACL BC looks forward to continuing to work with Scott and the rest of the CBABC team in promoting greater equity in the legal profession and wider community. See Scott’s full President Statement here.

  • 1 Sep 2023 4:08 PM | Anonymous

    The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (FACL BC) expresses its warmest congratulations to Justice Negar Azmudeh on her appointment to the Federal Court. 

    Justice Azmudeh immigrated to Canada from Iran when she was 18 and was called to the British Columbia bar in December 1999. For the past 24 years, Justice Azmudeh has focused on immigration and refugee law, and has dedicated her legal career to Canada’s refugee determination system. Most recently, she founded the Quality Centre at the Refugee Protection Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) and led initiatives to increase the efficiency, quality and consistency of decision-making.

    Since the implementation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1971, Canada has strived to be a respectful, prosperous, and compassionate country. We must recognise that building an inclusive country that values multiculturalism is a work in progress. Our society continuously relies on the tremendous contributions of people of all backgrounds who call it home, including immigrants and refugees. FACL BC is heartened to see Justice Azmudeh appointed to the Federal Court. Justice Azmudeh brings a wealth of perspective and a deep understanding of the issues faced by immigrants aand refugees to the bench. A diverse bench that reflects Canada’s diverse communities and their lived experiences increases public trust and confidence in the judiciary, brings a diverse perspective that enriches the bench, and ultimately improves the administration of justice.

  • 1 Sep 2023 9:09 AM | Anonymous

    Calling all FULL FACL BC members who are members of the Law Society of BC in good standing!

    Led by our VP Internal, Jim Wu, FACL BC is interested in putting together a team for Access Pro Bono’s (APB) Advice-a-Thon legal clinic on Thursday September 14, 2023 at the Vancouver Art Gallery, or by telephone between Tuesday September 5 to Friday, September 22, 2023! 

    FACL BC’s Team members are not required to be physically present (unless volunteering in-person) and do not all need to volunteer at the same time. The schedule is highly flexible and based on your availability.

    You will be offering legal advice solely in the area(s) which you practice. APB handles indemnity and insurance matters and records whether legal advice is provided to an individual client. If you have any concerns about your coverage, please contact Lais Gomes at lgomes@accessprobono.ca directly to inquire. FACL BC takes no responsibility for indemnity and insurance matters related to the Advice-a-Thon.

    APB has 6 in-person spots left: 12 to 1 pm (1 spot available), 1 to 2 pm (3 spots), 3 to 4 pm (2 spots), and overflow spots may be available for FACL BC Team members. The time commitment is 1 hour long for the in-person event. In-person clinics will allow for pre-scheduled and drop-in appointments from members of the general public.

    Alternatively, APB also has unlimited spots for providing advice over the telephone from September 5 to 22, 2023. Telephone appointments will be scheduled with ample time for conflict checks. Telephone clinics will be 2 hours long. Please register to volunteer at the phone clinic by completing this form.

    If you are interested in joining FACL BC’s Team, please email membership@faclbc.ca by Friday, September 8, 2023 with the subject line “APB Volunteer” and include the following information, so that we may pass it along to APB: 

    • Your name

    • T-shirt size

    • Firm name

    • Phone number

    • Area of practice

    • Chosen time slot

    • Chosen location: Vancouver Art Gallery or Telephone Clinic

    Other than sending this email to volunteer with FACL BC’s team, all other questions regarding the Advice-a-Thon should be addressed directly to APB. We look forward to seeing you there and giving back to our community!

  • 27 Jul 2023 3:15 PM | Anonymous

    The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (“FACL BC”) extends its congratulations to the federal government’s new Cabinet. FACL BC is especially pleased to see the historic inclusion of eight Ministers of Asian descent, four of whom are new to Cabinet. A cabinet that reflects Canada’s diverse communities is better suited to represent the interests of all Canadians.

    FACL BC welcomes the appointments of:

    • the Honourable Anita Anand as President of the Treasury Board;

    • the Honourable Arif Virani as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada;

    • the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree as Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations;

    • the Honourable Kamal Khera as Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities;

    • the Honourable Ya’ara Saks as Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health;

    • the Honourable Rechie Valdez as Minister of Small Business;

    • the Honourable Harjit Sajjan as Minister of Emergency Preparedness and President of the King’s Privy Council for Canada; and 

    • the reappointment of the Honourable Mary Ng as Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development.

    Each of these Ministers brings a wealth of lived experience and community connectedness that enriches Canada’s national fabric and demonstrates that we are stronger when all voices are included at the table. 

    The Honourable Anita Anand was born and raised in Nova Scotia to Indian physician parents and has worked as a scholar, lawyer, and researcher. Prior to her election to the House of Commons in 2019, Minister Anand was a Professor of Law and Associate Dean at the University of Toronto, where she held the J.R. Kimber Chair in Investor Protection and Corporate Governance. Minister Anand was also a member of the Governing Board of Massey College, has served as the Director of Policy Research at the Capital Markets Research Institute (Rotman School of Management), and previously taught law at Yale Law School, Queen’s University, and Western University.

    The Honourable Arif Virani is an Ismaili Muslim who came to Canada in 1972 as a Ugandan Asian refugee. Minister Virani practiced law, first as a civil litigator in the private sector and then as a constitutional litigator at the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario advocating for human rights and access to justice. Minister Virani has extensive experience in Canadian and international human rights law from his time as an analyst with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, an investigator with the Québec Commission des droits de la personne et de la jeunesse, and an Assistant Trial Attorney with the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

    The Honourable Gary Anandasangaree is a human rights lawyer and community activist who was first elected as the MP for Scarborough-Rouge Park in 2015. Minister Anandasangaree was previously the Parliamentary Secretary to three Ministers - the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, and Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism (Multiculturalism). Minister Anandasangaree is an active leader in the Tamil community and has been recognized for his community contributions through receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal and the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

    The Honourable Kamal Khera was born in New Delhi, India and is one of the youngest women ever elected to Parliament. She is a registered nurse, community volunteer, and political activist. During the pandemic, she volunteered at a long-term care facility in her hometown of Brampton and administered vaccines in her community. She has previously served as Minister of Seniors, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health. She now holds the position of Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, where she will no doubt utilize her experience in healthcare and as a racialized woman.

    The Honourable Ya’ara Saks was born in Toronto to an Israeli father and Canadian mother, and her first spoken language was Hebrew. In 1995, after graduating from Montreal’s McGill University, she moved to Israel and spent the next 11 years based in Jerusalem, where she completed her MA at Hebrew University in International Relations and Diplomacy on Israeli-Palestinian relations. She returned to Canada in 2006 and was first elected as the Member of Parliament for York Centre in 2020. She was also a member of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development and the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Having served as the Director of Trauma Practice for Healthy Communities, a Toronto-based mental health charity working for better access to mental health services, she is well suited for her new role as the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions and Associate Minister of Health.

    The Honourable Rechie Valdez was born and raised in Zambia and immigrated to Canada in 1989. Minister Valdez is the first Filipino-Canadian woman elected as a MP and appointed to Cabinet. Minister Valdez was elected as the Member of Parliament for Mississauga—Streetsville in 2021. Prior to entering politics, Minister Valdez was a television host and a small business owner, which makes her particularly suitable for the position of Minister of Small Businesses.

    The Honourable Harjit Sajjan immigrated to Canada from India at the age of five. Minister Sajjan previously served as Minister of International Development and Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada and as Minister of National Defence. Now residing in South Vancouver, Minister Sajjan is a former detective of the Vancouver Police Department, where he was a member for over a decade. Minister Sajjan was also the Lieutenant Colonel with the British Columbia Regiment and has participated in deployments to Bosnia and Afghanistan.

    The Honourable Mary Ng immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong and worked for the Ontario Public Service, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University), and the Ontario Ministry of Education before being elected to the House of Commons in 2017 as the MP for Markham-Thornhill. Minister Ng previously held the posts of Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development and as Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade.

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