• 5 Jul 2023 10:12 AM | Anonymous


    This long weekend Canadians observed our country’s 156th “Canada Day”, however, this day also marked the anniversary of a much darker date in Canada’s history. A century ago, on July 1, 1923, the Canadian Parliament enacted the Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act (the Act), with the objective of banning all immigration of Chinese peoples to Canada and closely monitoring those who continued to live in Canada. The Act was not repealed until May 14, 1947, and its legacy continues as a painful reminder of the systemic and institutional barriers many people of colour in Canada continue to face. The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (FACL BC) invites you to reflect on the many meanings associated with July 1st and commemorate this day as we pass a century since the Act came into effect.

    July 1st is a date that evokes strong and complex feelings, emotions, and reactions across Canada. For the countless Chinese Canadians affected by the Act, many regard July 1st not as Canada Day but know it as “Humiliation Day”. 

    As our young nation ages another year, it is an opportunity for reflection and education about what it means to be Canadian, given Canada’s colonial past and present. It is also a day to think about how our society can come together, while affirming our diversity, to build a stronger and more resilient nation. 

    The Chinese Exclusion Act and “Humiliation Day”

    The Act came into effect 100 years ago in 1923. The Act was an embodiment of prevailing racist ideologies that sought to curtail the influx of Chinese peoples from entering into Canada and to closely monitor the Chinese peoples living in Canada, a population that was growing larger in size.

    This was the only law enacted by Parliament that banned immigration based solely on national origin and represented the culmination of decades of efforts by the Canadian government to curb Chinese immigration. Prior to the passage of the Act, the government of Canada had enacted racist and restrictive policies against people of Chinese descent, such as the Chinese head tax under the Chinese Immigration Act, 1885, which started at $50 when first enacted but reached $500 by 1903 (worth roughly $2,500 and $12,900, respectively, today with inflation), before being replaced by an outright exclusion under the Act. 

    While Parliament sought to curtail the influx of Chinese peoples into Canada, the government of British Columbia passed multiple laws that further disenfranchised and outright banned the Chinese from voting, being elected to political office, from becoming professionals (including practicing law), from living outside of Chinatown, and even from swimming in indoor pools. 

    Before the passing of the Act, Chinese immigrants were required to carry Chinese Identity certificates with them at all times and were required to produce those certificates upon the request of law enforcement. After the passage of the Act, all Chinese peoples living across Canada, including those who have lived here for multiple generations, were required to register their status and were issued a Chinese Identity certificate that, at the bottom, included a statement that reminded the bearer of the card: “This certificate does not establish legal status in Canada”.

    For the Chinese-Canadian community, the enactment of the Act on July 1st, 1923, coinciding with Canada Day (then known as “Dominion Day”), gave rise to a new name: “Humiliation Day.” By 1931, the Chinese population in British Columbia had declined to less than four percent of the province’s total population, sparking fears that Chinese communities in Canada would eventually disappear altogether. During the 24 years that the Act was in force, fewer than 50 Chinese immigrants were allowed to enter the country. The message could not have been clearer: “the Chinese do not belong in Canada”. 

    Although the Act sought to exclude and eliminate Chinese Canadians, it had the effect of galvanizing some in the Chinese-Canadian community to demonstrate their patriotism by serving in the Canadian army during the Second World War. Their efforts and service exposed the hypocrisy of Canada’s exclusionary and xenophobic attitudes, leading to social and political change within the country and contributing to the repeal of the Act in 1947. 

    Beyond Exclusion

    Even after the Act was repealed, the struggle against anti-Asian racism continued. Japanese Canadians were unable to return to the coast until 1949 following internment during World War II. Relying on the Immigration Act, 1910, which allowed for the prohibiting of immigrants determined to be "unsuited to the climate or requirements of Canada", the Canadian government continued to enact and enforce policies that restricted pan-Asian immigration until new regulations were enacted in 1967. Even today, the Asian-Canadian community continues to face racism in the form of hate speech and violent attacks, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic

    While Canada has made progress towards nominal inclusion and equality, such as Vancouver and Toronto electing its first Chinese-Canadian mayors in 2022 and 2023 respectively, and increasing diversity in the legal profession and on the bench (such as the recent appointments of Justices Kevin Loo and Anita Chan to the British Columbia Supreme Court), much more must be done to ensure equality and justice for our communities. We must not take for granted the hard-fought gains of the last century.

    FACL BC also recognizes that July 1st is a painful date and a time of mourning for many other groups, including Indigenous people and communities. In the two years since the remains of 215 Indigenous children were found at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc territory, hundreds more unmarked graves have been found across the country. FACL BC stands in solidarity with those affected by the Act and other parts of Canada’s colonial history. We urge our members to consider narratives alongside our own, commemorate the lives lost to Canada’s continuing colonial legacy, and reflect on the meanings of this day beyond the celebration of Canada Day.
  • 20 Jun 2023 7:20 AM | Anonymous

    If you are interested in joining FACL BC’s Board of Directors (the “FACL BC Board”), please complete the nomination form by 11:59 p.m. on July 7, 2023. Your nomination statement should include a short summary of who you are, why you are interested in our organization, and the extent of your previous involvement with FACL BC (if any) (maximum of 300 words). These nomination statements will be sent to all FACL BC members. You may submit a nomination statement for no more than one position described below.

    Nominees will also be asked to provide remarks during our AGM on July 17 - more details to be provided after the nomination deadline.

    The following positions are available: 

    Directors-at-Large (Two Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has four Directors-at-Large positions available. These positions are open to FACL BC’s full members. Members on the FACL BC Board are expected to assume active high-level and on-the-ground leadership for our various initiatives, including in leading FACL BC committees. 

    Secretary (One Year Term)

    The FACL BC Board has one Secretary position available. This position is open to FACL BC’s full members. The Secretary is an integral part of the FACL BC Board and responsible for, among others:

    • overseeing the issuance of notices of FACL BC General Meetings and Board meetings;
    • taking minutes of FACL BC General Meetings and Board meetings;
    • maintaining the records of the FACL BC Society in accordance with theSocieties Act;
    • assisting in conducting the correspondence of the FACL BC Board; and
    • overseeing the filing of the annual report of the FACL BC and making any other filings with the registrar under the Societies Act

      Area Representatives (One Year Term)

      The FACL BC Board has one Area Representative position for each of Kamloops and Victoria available. Area Representatives are key liaisons between FACL BC and their respective region’s legal community and represent/promote FACL BC in their respective regions. These positions are open to FACL BC’s full members in Kamloops or Victoria.

      Student Directors (One Year Term)

      The FACL BC Board has one Student Director position for each of BC’s law schools (UBC, TRU, and UVic) available. Student Directors are key liaisons between FACL BC and their respective law school and represent/promote FACL BC at their respective law school. These positions are open to FACL BC’s student members who are current JD or graduate law students at UBC, TRU, or UVic. For more information on the Student Director position, please click here.

      All FACL BC Board members are expected to attend monthly Board meetings, participate in FACL BC committees (Membership, Advocacy, or Mentorship), and contribute actively to the planning and execution of FACL BC programming and initiatives.

      If you have any questions, please contact us at info@faclbc.ca.

    • 19 Jun 2023 11:01 AM | Anonymous

      "Dealing with climate change is among the most important challenges that will face Canada and the world in the 21st century. The impact of climate change will be especially felt by already vulnerable people, exacerbating the social and legal difficulties they face. It is imperative that lawyers and justice actors who desire a just society engage pro-actively in curbing climate change and mediating its impacts.”

      – The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, former Chief Justice of Canada

      The Law Society of BC’s 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held on June 27, 2023. Members can vote on resolutions during the meeting or through advance online voting, which is open now until 5:00 p.m. PDT on June 26. Visit the Law Society’s website for the full text of all resolutions and more information about how to vote.

      FACL BC endorses Resolution 4: Member Resolution on the Role of Lawyers in Addressing Climate Change, and encourages our members who are eligible to participate to vote in favour of it. This resolution has been put forward by Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson, Gid7ahl Gudsllaay, K.C. and Hasan Alam, Advisory Director for FACL BC.1

      If passed, the resolution will require the Law Society of BC to encourage lawyers to take steps to address climate change and advise their clients as appropriate of the risks and opportunities of climate change; to set up a task force or advisory group to study the issue to develop practice guidelines and create educational programming; and to set an example by carrying out a climate impact report for the Law Society itself.

      FACL BC’s mandate is to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the wider community. World leaders and governments, institutional investors, the Supreme Court of Canada,2 and innumerable stakeholders, including youth, have recognized that climate change is a reality, a global financial risk, and an existential threat to humanity. Recent wildfires, heat waves, and floods across our province have underscored how climate change is impacting us, with the most vulnerable members of our communities being hit the hardest. Further, studies done in Canada have demonstrated that climate change disproportionately harms Indigenous, Black and other communities of colour.3 In light of this existential threat that our communities are facing both domestically and globally, FACL BC recognizes that it is incumbent upon Asian Canadian legal professionals to formally incorporate climate change considerations into our roles as lawyers to ensure the well-being and livelihood of our communities. 

      As Dr. Carol Liao, one of the contributors to this resolution, aptly stated, "We are all going to be climate lawyers, whether we like it or not."

      1  This statement by the movers of Resolution 4 provides more information

      2 Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2021 SCC 11.

      3 The Canadian Climate Institute, Centring Social Justice is Sound Climate Policy: https://climateinstitute.ca/centring-social-justice-is-sound-climate-policy/

      For more background on the resolution:

    • 25 May 2023 12:54 PM | Anonymous

      May 25, 2023

      In April of 2022, Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (FACL BC) hosted an event entitled “The Legal Community’s Responsibility to Address the Climate Crisis.” At this event, the idea was raised to bring forward a resolution at the Law Society of BC (LSBC)’s 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM). FACL BC members put forward Resolution 4: Member Resolution regarding the Role of Lawyers in Addressing Climate Change, which unfortunately didn’t pass

      This April, FACL BC hosted another event on this topic to raise awareness and stimulate discussion about the legal community’s role in addressing climate change, as well as to solicit feedback on this year’s draft resolution that will be brought to the LSBC’s June 27th 2023 AGM.* As Dr Carol Liao stated in her op-ed encouraging lawyers to vote in last year’s AGM: “lawyers can’t ignore climate change.” 


      Climate Change

      Addressing Climate Change in All Sectors of the Legal Profession

      Other Professional Legal Associations’ Climate Resolutions

      Other BC and Canadian Professional Associations’ Climate Resolutions

    • 16 May 2023 12:27 PM | Anonymous

      The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (FACL BC) expresses its warmest congratulations to Justice Shin Doi on her appointment to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario. 

      Justice Shin Doi immigrated to Canada from South Korea and was raised in Toronto, as part of the Korean Canadian community. Throughout her distinguished career, Justice Shin Doi has worked towards building strong and inclusive communities. Prior to her appointment, Justice Shin Doi was a co-founder of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers and the previous president of FACL Ontario. Additionally, she co-founded the Korean Canadian Lawyers Association, Roundtable of Diversity Associations, Women General Counsel Canada, and Korean Legal Clinic.

      FACL BC is heartened to see Justice Shin Doi appointed to the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario. Access to justice not only requires our justice system to have the capacity to help society with their legal issues, but also requires society to view our justice system as an institution that can help them. A diverse bench that reflects Canada’s diverse communities and their lived experiences increases public trust and confidence in the judiciary, and improves the administration of justice. FACL BC is confident that the appointment of Justice Shin Doi, an Asian-Canadian woman with a demonstrated commitment to promoting inclusion within the legal profession, will greatly strengthen our judicial system.

    • 2 May 2023 2:52 PM | Anonymous

      FACL BC Case Commentary: BC Provincial Court Tackles Anti-Asian Hate Crimes, Recognizes Role of COVID-19


      Diversity is one of Canada’s greatest strengths, and with May designated as Asian Heritage Month, it is a time to celebrate the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to our country. It is also a time to acknowledge the racism faced by Asian Canadians that continues to this day, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the upsurge in hate crimes and discrimination that followed (“Anti-Asian Hate”). The pandemic served to amplify pre-existing prejudice and stereotypes about those of Asian descent, exasperated by misinformation and xenophobia. Vancouver, in specific, was named “the anti-Asian hate crime capital of North America” in 2021. 

      While the worst days of the pandemic are behind us, it is nevertheless important to recognize that Anti-Asian Hate and the racist and discriminatory views that perpetuate it continue to persist. Although reported hate crimes in BC appear to be dropping, as noted in a recent CBC article, many Asian Canadians continue to experience discrimination and have simply given up reporting these incidents to the police. As a historically marginalized group, the underreporting of such crimes suggests a decreased trust amongst Asian Canadians with the justice system. The unwillingness of Asian Canadian victims to report hate crimes, in conjunction with the decrease in reported hate crimes since the pandemic, may indicate that current hate crime statistics do not reflect the full extent of Anti-Asian Hate. 

      As we prepare to celebrate Asian Heritage Month, FACL BC wishes to highlight two decisions where Anti-Asian Hate was considered to be a key factor and where the court took judicial notice of the heightened vulnerability and marginalization of Asians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic:

      1. R. v. Castonguay, 2021 BCPC 315; and

      2. R. v. Bethune and Secreve, 2022 BCPC 243

      These cases highlight the insidious nature of discrimination and hate crimes against Asian Canadians, but also an increased sensitivity of the courts to the prevalence of Anti-Asian Hate during the pandemic. In both Castonguay and Bethune and Secreve, the courts acknowledged the social context in which the crimes took place and the impact they had upon the Asian Canadian community during a particularly vulnerable time. By considering the social context, the courts were able to recognize the significant impact of the crimes on the Asian community and acted accordingly to maintain the public interest. This commentary aims to bring attention to the role courts have played in recognizing and protecting vulnerable and marginalized communities, as well as identifying areas where the justice system can continue to improve.  

      R. v. Castonguay


      On December 29, 2021, Mr. Castonguay pleaded guilty to wilfully committing mischief by causing damage while being motivated by bias, prejudice, or hate towards persons of Chinese ethnic origin or descent, an offence contrary to s. 430(4.1) of the Criminal Code.

      The incident occurred on April 2, 2020, when Mr. Castonguay visited the Chinese Cultural Centre (the “Centre”) in Vancouver and defaced several of its window panes with racist and hateful comments. The messages espoused the killing of persons of Chinese origin, referencing Hitler's annihilation of the Jewish persons in the Holocaust. Mr. Castonguay’s messages also called for the forced removal and exclusion of Chinese people from Canada, claiming they were all infected by COVID-19. The messages were discovered by the directors of the Centre the following day, resulting in the closure of the building and causing its staff members, volunteers, and visitors to feel unsafe.

      Judgment and Reasoning:

      The Crown sought an effective sentence of nine months of imprisonment against Mr. Castonguay, followed by a three‑year probationary period. However, due to a significant delay in Mr. Castonguay’s sentencing, the defence argued that he should be given a reduced sentence, suggesting there might have been a different outcome had the sentencing taken place earlier.

      In determining to what extent Mr. Castonguay should be given the benefit of a reduced sentence, Judge H. Dhillon relied upon the principle of proportionality in imposing a fair, fit, and principled sanction. Taking into consideration the gravity of the harm caused by Mr. Castonguay’s messages to the staff members and attendees of the Centre, Judge H. Dhillon found that the harm extended to society at large, negatively affecting all persons who identify as Chinese as well as all persons of Asian background or descent. Judge H. Dhillon also acknowledged the social context in which the incident took place, taking judicial notice of the history of racism against the Chinese community, the importance of the Centre to their cultural heritage and community, and the increased vulnerability of the Chinese community due to misinformation about their connection to COVID-19. 

      Despite the written and verbal statement Mr. Castonguay provided to the court, in which he expressed remorse for his actions, Judge H. Dhillon found that the social context and circumstances of the offence caused the aggravating factors of the case to outweigh the mitigating factors. Consequently, Judge H. Dhillon sentenced Mr. Castonguay to eight months of imprisonment, followed by a three‑year probationary period. Considering the gravity of the harm caused by Mr. Castonguay, Judge H. Dhillon concluded that he would have been given a similar sentence had the sentencing occurred earlier.


      Judge Dhillon's decision demonstrates the importance of considering the social context when assessing the mitigating or aggravating factors of a criminal act, especially when assessing the gravity of the harm caused by the offender to the victims. By taking judicial notice of the social context in which the incident occurred, Judge Dhillon acknowledged the historic struggle of Chinese Canadians against racism and the significance of the Centre in the Chinese community. Additionally, by taking into account the recent upsurge in Anti-Asian Hate, Judge H. Dhillon recognized that the vulnerability of the Chinese community allowed Mr. Castonguay’s actions to have far-reaching effects on all persons of Asian background or descent, necessitating a denunciatory sentence. 

      It is worth noting that Judge Dhillon was the first female South Asian judge to be appointed in BC. Her nuanced reasoning in Castonguay may have been informed by her own experiences as an Asian Canadian, which likely played a role in her ability to recognize and express the significance of Mr. Castonguay’s actions and the impact they had on the Asian community. Her decision is a salient reminder of the importance of diversity on the bench and the value it can bring to the Canadian justice system and the public.

      R. v. Bethune and Secreve


      In this case, the defendants Mr. Eric Bethune and Ms. Astrid Maria pleaded guilty to committing mischief for wilfully obstructing, interrupting, and/or interfering with the lawful use, enjoyment, or operation of the property contrary to s. 430(4) of the Criminal Code

      The defendants were patrons of a cafe in Richmond and failed to abide by the COVID protocols (e.g. seating restrictions) that the cafe had in place at the time. The defendants were asked by an employee multiple times to change seats. After refusing their requests, the defendants threw a cup at the employee and made numerous anti-Chinese comments toward the cafe employees before leaving. Despite the various discriminatory comments uttered during the incident, the defendants denied that their mischief was motivated by any bias, prejudice, or hate.

      Judgement and Reasoning:

      Judge Vandor found that it would not be in the public interest to grant a discharge and held that a suspended sentence with 12 months of probation for Mr. Bethune and Ms. Secreve was more appropriate. In sentencing, Judge Vandor of the Provincial Court of British Columbia found a number of aggravating factors that favoured a stronger sentence, including:

      • Mr. Bethune and Ms. Secreve perceived both the cafe employees to be of Chinese race or ethnic origin. 

      • The defendants’ comments and actions were motivated by anti-Chinese hate/bias/prejudice. Mr. Bethune told the employee, “The Coronavirus is you”. Judge Vandor found that by doing so, he associated the employee with the virus and that it was a dehumanizing expression that called into question whether the employee was a human being. He noted, following Castonguay, that this kind of speech vilifies the targeted group by blaming its members (i.e. people of Chinese and Asian descent) for the current COVID-19 pandemic and other problems in society.

      • The significant impact the incident had on the employee. The employee testified that she was afraid of walking on the street and making eye contact with people, especially Caucasian people, because she was afraid that they would hurt her too. She eventually stopped working at the cafe after three months because of the incident.

      Judge Vandor, citing the various examples of the defendants’ feelings, beliefs, and attitudes towards people of Asian and Chinese descent, held that the principles of general and specific deterrence and denunciation called for a suspended sentence, which more appropriately addressed the defendants’ actions and the motivations behind those actions.


      Like Castonguay, this case recognizes the increased vulnerability of Canadians because of misinformation directed at persons who are perceived to be of Chinese origin and the blame towards them for the COVID-19 pandemic as aggravating factors for sentencing. Following Castonguay, Judge Vandor readily acknowledged the hardships and racism that people of Chinese, and generally Asian, descent face as a result of the pandemic. By facing those issues head-on, the court was able to ground its decision in the historical and cultural context necessary to understand the harm that was caused and to provide a proportional sentence. 


      How courts determine the different degree or kind of punishment in respect of an offence are dependent on the facts and circumstances of each case, as well as the principles of deterrence and denunciation set out in s. 718 of the Criminal Code. As seen in both Castonguay and Bethune and Secreve, the broader social contexts of each case were additionally taken into consideration when determining appropriate sentences for the offenders. 

      Judge H. Dhillon and Judge Vandor both acknowledged the increased vulnerability of the Chinese and Asian community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, finding that the harm done to victims extended to society at large, negatively impacting all persons of Asian descent. As both cases included offenders targeting persons of Chinese ethnic origin or persons whom they perceived to be of Chinese ethnic origin during a time of increased vulnerability and a rise in Anti-Asian Hate, both judges arrived at the finding that the social context of the offences constituted a significant aggravating factor. The judges also found that mitigating the offenders’ sentences would be adverse to the principles of deterrence and denunciation. As the actions of the offenders in both cases contributed to the prevalence of COVID-19 misinformation and Anti-Asian Hate, denunciatory sentences were imposed to send the message that the justice system will not tolerate this type of criminal behaviour. 

      Both cases may indicate that courts are more likely to impose denunciatory sentences in cases involving COVID-19-related discrimination against people of Asian descent, as judges must consider the social context of the “profound impact these kinds of criminal acts have on members of vulnerable communities” (Castonguay at para. 35). In other words, the above cases show that the social context of Anti-Asian hate crimes is especially relevant where COVID-19-related discrimination is involved. However, such reliance by the courts on COVID-19 as a justification for the increased protection of the Asian community may suggest that Asians are only considered “vulnerable communities” in the context of COVID-19-related discrimination, while ignoring the long history of racism against people of Asian descent that continues to this day. This may play a role in the low rate of reported hate crimes by pan-Asians in Canada, as incidents of Anti-Asian Hate may not involve COVID-19-related discrimination or be as overt and obviously racist as the incidents underlying the cases above. 

      The Canadian justice system must acknowledge that the vulnerability of the Asian community is not limited to COVID-19-related discrimination. In order to effectively uphold the principles of deterrence and denunciation, courts must be willing to apply similar reasoning in all cases of racial discrimination against those of Asian descent, not just those related to COVID-19. Just as the process of sentencing “must be situated both in the present day but also with an eye to the context and history faced by Chinese Canadians in Canada” (Castonguay at para. 15), the justice system must be similarly flexible in addressing the various forms of stereotypes and prejudices, whether direct or indirect, faced by the Asian community. 

      Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society

      info@faclbc.ca | faclbc.ca | @faclbc

    • 23 Mar 2023 5:31 PM | Anonymous

      FACL BC Contractor Posting: Executive Coordinator

      The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society (“FACL BC”) is looking for a highly-motivated 1L or 2L BC law student to serve as our next Executive Coordinator, to help fulfill our mission of promoting equity, justice and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the broader community. This is a one-year paid independent contractor position at a competitive hourly rate.

      FACL BC is a pan-Asian organization celebrating the diversity of our Asian communities - we explicitly encourage applicants who identify as being “Asian-Canadian”, including but not limited to South Asian, West Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, or any other self-identifying Asian-Canadian law students from any BC law school (Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of Victoria, and Thompson Rivers University) to apply.

      As part of our mission to continue diversifying our operations outside of the Greater Vancouver area, based on equal qualifications, preference may be given to candidates applying from the University of Victoria or Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law

      Apply here: https://forms.gle/RYXugfcRPau99xN37 

      Deadline to apply: Sat, Apr 1 at 11:59PM Pacific Time.  

      Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis, so please apply early. Only qualified candidates who are shortlisted for an interview will be contacted.

      Term: May 1, 2023 - May 31, 2024

      Rate: $24.00 per hour

      Who are we?

      FACL BC is a diverse coalition of Asian-Canadian legal professionals working to promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Asian-Canadian legal professionals and the broader community.  FACL BC is the largest equity-seeking bar organization in British Columbia with over 500 members across all areas of the legal profession including students, associates, partners, in-house counsel, public service, and the judiciary.  

      In November 2022, we hosted our signature 11th Annual Gala, “Belonging”, featuring Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin of the Supreme Court of Canada and Judge Brent Hoy of the BC Provincial Court as our keynote speakers.  

      FACL BC was also the winner of the 2022 Clawbies award for Best Podcast and the 2021 Clawbies award for Best Innovative Project for our ground-breaking documentary, “But I Look Like a Lawyer”, which captures stories of the discrimination, stereotyping and bias experienced by members of the Pan-Asian legal community.  

      Our documentary was also selected for The 26th Annual Vancouver Asian Film Festival and will be screened at the upcoming NALP Annual Conference in Vancouver. You may also recall learning about our documentary in school, as it is mandatory viewing for incoming students at the Peter A. Allard School of Law and recommended reading for incoming students at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law.

      What are we looking for?

      • Current 1L or 2L student who self-identifies as Asian-Canadian and is attending the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University Faculty of Law or Peter A. Allard School of Law;

      • Outstanding organizational and communication skills (verbal and written);

      • Experience planning events for non-profit organizations, student clubs or similar organizations;

      • Experience with platforms such as Google Drive and Zoom is an asset;

      • Experience with social media platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook is an asset;

      • Experience with Linktree, graphic design (Canva), and website management (Wild Apricot) is an asset;

      • Willingness to learn, adapt and problem-solve;

      • Ability to work independently, with another Executive Coordinator, and with multiple stakeholders;

      • Ability to meet tight and competing deadlines within a highly active organization; and

      • Ability to work occasionally in the evenings and on weekends, as required.

      The successful candidate must possess a personal laptop and a reliable Internet connection. Additional training on the software applications listed above will be provided to the successful candidate.

      What are your responsibilities?


      • Respond to director requests for assistance with events, operate Wild Apricot (our membership/website platform) or another platform, Zoom, Canva and Google Drive, and send out emails;

      • Approve new membership applications, maintain an orderly archive and assist the Treasurer with financial matters on Wild Apricot;

      • Contact Wild Apricot to troubleshoot issues that arise;

      • Apply for CPD credits or other professional credit approvals for FACL BC’s events;

      • Assist in recording board meeting minutes and/or action items, if needed;

      • Attend FACL BC monthly board meetings (typically the second week of each month), as required; and

      • Assist the Treasurer with collecting information and drafting grant applications for FACL BC.


      • Review and respond to emails received in the general FACL BC inbox and forward other inquiries accordingly to the appropriate committee and director(s);

      • Coordinate with the Membership Committee to draft and send out monthly email newsletters to FACL BC’s membership;

      • Assist in sending out calendar invites to directors for board meetings;

      • Assist with preparing marketing materials, including updating the FACL BC website, Instagram page, LinkedIn account, Facebook page and newsletter; and

      • Report regularly to the President and FACL BC Executive Committee as needed.

      Event Planning

      • Provide logistical support for FACL BC events including creating event pages on Wild Apricot, Zoom and Facebook;

      • Make event name tags for attendees and speakers;

      • Set up and attend  virtual events, where requested;

      • Assist the Secretary with updating our internal events calendar with new events and changes, if needed;

      • Create and send thank you cards and arrange to deliver FACL BC merchandise to event guests and event speakers, as required; and

      • Such other FACL BC-related services, and deliverables, as we may request.

      Apply here: https://forms.gle/RYXugfcRPau99xN37 

      Privacy Policy

      We take your privacy seriously.  For details, please see our FACL BC Privacy Policy here.

    • 8 Mar 2023 1:02 PM | Anonymous

      March 8, 2023

      Today, on International Women’s Day, FACL BC celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and girls, here in British Columbia and around the world. We honour all those who stand up for gender and racial equality, in big and small ways. We also affirm our commitment to advocating for gender equality and uplifting the voices of Asian women in the legal community.

      However, this year’s International Women’s Day theme, #EmbraceEquity, reminds us all that equal opportunities aren't enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action. Learn more about the difference between equity and equality here

      We also encourage you to explore our ​​resource list that highlights the voices and work of Asian women in the legal profession: Amplifying Asian Women in Law: A FACL BC International Women’s Day Resource List

    • 29 Jan 2023 7:29 PM | Anonymous

      January 29, 2023

      Today, Canada observes the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia.

      Six years ago, six Muslim men were brutally and tragically murdered while they prayed at the Québec City Mosque. Nineteen others were injured and one of those injured was left paralyzed. The loss to their families and community is tremendous.

      On this day, we honour the lives of the men who were lost in this heinous act of violence and Islamophobia. FACL BC invites you to take a moment of silence to remember these victims and all victims of hatred: 

      • Ibrahima Barry
      • Mamadou Barry
      • Khaled Belkacemi
      • Aboubaker Thabti
      • Abdelkrim Hassane
      • Azzedine Soufiane

      FACL BC also takes this time to honour and remember the lives of the four members of a Pakistani-Canadian Muslim family who were killed while out walking together in London, Ontario on June of 2021. We stand against the racism and fear perpetuated against Muslims in this country and everywhere. 

      The National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia acts as a reminder that Muslim people and those perceived to be Muslim continue to face discrimination and the threat of violence. However, for those who face discrimination, no such reminder is needed.

      FACL BC welcomes the appointment of Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s Special Representative on Combatting Islamaphobia. Ms. Elghawaby is a journalist, an expert on issues of equity and inclusion, and a human rights advocate. Her mandate in her new role is to serve as champion, advisor, expert, and representative to the Canadian government for the purpose of enhancing efforts to combat Islamophobia and promote awareness of the diverse and intersectional identities of Muslims in Canada. 

      We encourage allies and those within the legal community to learn about Islamophobia and the actions we can take to combat this issue. FACL BC is an official sponsor of the Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline, a free and confidential hotline aimed at providing legal assistance to anyone who has been a victim of Islamophobia. 

    • 13 Jan 2023 3:59 PM | Anonymous

      We are pleased to announce that FACL BC won a 2022 Clawbies Award for Best Podcast. Thank you to our anonymous nominators, supporters, and podcast listeners for making this award possible! We are excited to continue highlighting the diverse and unique stories of our FACL BC community. 

      The Canadian Law Blog Awards, also known as the Clawbies, started in 2006 with the goal of highlighting great blogs published by the Canadian legal industry. The Clawbies are intended to be a showcase of Canadian legal blogging, and to promote a sense of community. 

      Listen to the FACL BC podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

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